Governance & Capability Councils

We’re seeking several Fairlawners who believe in the work of our church community and want to help shape that vision.

Might you be interested in being part of Fairlawn’s council? Do you have some leadership or personnel experience to offer to the church? Would you consider co-chairing with a friend? There will be lots of support from the most recent chairs and from the ongoing team. 

Please review the below descriptions for vacancies:

Fairlawn Governance

Members at Large:
Amanda Hancox
Judy Langstaff

Board of Trustees: 
Jennifer Duchesne
Gord Pitts
Tom Salisbury, Chair and Liaison to Governing Council
George Swift
Derek Wishart, Trustee Secretary

Fairlawn Capability Councils


Human Resources and Relationships Council (HR&R)

The work of the Human Resources and Relationships Council (formerly Ministry & Personnel) is consultative and focused on supporting and maintaining an open and healthy relationship between staff and members of the congregation.

Allan Hux


Finance and Stewardship Council

The Finance and Stewardship Council is responsible for the management of Fairlawn Avenue United Church’s funds.

Steve Dunk 


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